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Video master class ORCHID from FOAMIRAN EVA

Orchid has recently gained popularity among flower girls and has become a welcome and favorite decoration of weddings and beauty salons.
With our master class you will learn how to create this incredibly beautiful flower from scratch. You will learn how to make it up to 2 meters high or no more than 20 cm for decorating pots.
Video lesson stem and flower + painting + stand
Orchids gently decorate the wedding salon or living room.
Many growers consider the Orchid one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It attracts with its tenderness, splendor and charm.
Its flowers can be a variety of shades: lilac, green, purple, white, Burgundy, orange. But few people know that the Orchid also belongs to one of the largest families, which has about 750 genera and more than twenty thousand species.

If you have any questions please contact us,
just click on this phone number
WhatsApp +7-923-188-46-63
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